Monday, April 25, 2005

boys are icky

I have a problem, and I don't know how to approach it. I have a guy friend. I think he likes me, but I'm not sure. I like him alot, it's hard not to, but I try because I know for many reasons a relationship wouldn't work out. I don't ask him how he feels, because I am not really one to talk about feelings; it makes me uncomfortable. Plus, what if I did ask him, and he said an answer I didn't want to hear? What would I then say?
Oh for pete's sake!
You see, this is why I like being alone. It's just a whole lot easier, I can't get hurt, I get to have by-myself-enjoying-being-single moments, there's no sharing feelings, and I'm happy. Everybody says I should have a boyfriend, that they'll set me up, but I don't want to change! I'm a loner...and I like being alone. Not lonely, cause I have lots of family and friends, but just alone.
So there. Hmph. Excuse me while I go have my stubborn pout someplace else.


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