Just A Little Crush
You know how in "Sleepless in Seattle" Annie hears this man on the radio and falls in love with him even though she's never met him? Even though she knows it's crazy, she's just got this nagging feeling that won't go away. And they did, in fact, turn out to be...I don't know, was it in love??? Or just infatuation? That is my point here...is there love at first sight? Or like "Big Fish" when Edward Bloom sees Sandra Templeton and says "You don't know me, but I love you. And I will marry you!" They end up being together for the rest of their lives. How do you KNOW that it's love at first sight, and not just a crush? What's the difference? It is driving me absolutely crazy because my skeptical, logical side is battling with this ridiculous, unfounded obsession I have with a guy which I cannot common-sense my way out of. I want to go see him! I want to go half-way across the country and say "Hi, you don't know me, but I love you!" I want to shake his hand. I want to look into his eyes and hear his voice once again. I want to kiss him! But I won't ever do any of that because that would be stupid...and I am left to wonder, for the rest of my life, "Was it love?" "What could have been?"
Hello there.
Just wanted you to know that I've been visiting your blog.
I've not posted anything because I hate leaving a post if there's nothing to say.
Rest assured though, it's being read by someone.
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